В зоопарк я не ходила лет 5. Вот решили погулять, на животных посмотреть. Погода меняется очень сильно. Мы попали под ветер. Я решила надеть юбку с завышенной талией, простую футболку и белые кеды.. Накинула джинсовую жилетку и лук готов.
I didn't go to a zoo for 5 years. We decided to walk, to look at animals. The weather has been changing. We got under a wind. I decided to put on a highwaisted skirt, a simple t-shirt and white shoes. I threw on a jeans vest and I am ready.
With love, your Reginess♥
I didn't go to a zoo for 5 years. We decided to walk, to look at animals. The weather has been changing. We got under a wind. I decided to put on a highwaisted skirt, a simple t-shirt and white shoes. I threw on a jeans vest and I am ready.
love your outfit girl! xx